Student Services » Behaviour Intervention Service

Behaviour Intervention Service

       A district-based program for students with challenging behaviour.
The district acknowledges that behaviour is a form of communication, and that all behaviour has meaning. The BIS program is designed to support the inclusion of students with challenging behaviour.  The district program is focused on but not limited to students with moderate to severe behaviour designations in grades K - 7.  The BIS team works through a trauma sensitive lens.
There are two main facets of the BIS program:

1)    Direct Case Management by the BIS Coordinator.  This generally includes extensive individualized positive behaviour planning, a one-to-one specially trained BIS EA, wrap around family outreach and mental health support, frequent case consultation for parents and school teams. Students are referred by School Based Teams (with parent permission) to the BIS Coordinator to be considered for this intensive support.
2)    Consultation and collaboration with the BIS Coordinator.  This can be for School Based Teams, Classroom Teachers, Education Assistants, and families.  This can include but is not limited to safety planning, targeted behaviour planning and tracking, SEL co-planning/co-teaching, mental health consultation, RTI based intervention and support planning, general classroom management planning, Mental Health/Trauma Informed Practice training, and positive behaviour support planning. 
The BIS Coordinator can support school teams with conducting Functional Behaviour Assessments, developing Positive Behaviour Support Plans, and creating Safety Plans, all through a positive, strength-based lens that focuses on the whole child.