Student Services » Occupational & Physical Therapy

Occupational & Physical Therapy

Who are Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists? 
Occupational therapists (OTs) and Physiotherapists (PTs) are regulated health care professionals who work with children in a variety of settings, including schools and leisure activities. Sometimes children have more challenges than is typical for their age with motor skills, sensory skills and/or self-care skills. This can make everyday activities a challenge to learn and master. Occupational therapists and physiotherapists can help teachers, school staff and parents better understand and help these children succeed with everyday activities.
Who qualifies for these services?
Students may qualify if they:

•    Have physical, developmental or sensory-motor limitations that impact their activity and ability to participate at school.  
•    Have been referred to the OT/PT by the School Based Team, with parent permission
•    Are screened by the OT/PT, in consultation with the school based team, as requiring OT/PT intervention or support
Who provides these services?

•    A Bachelor or Master’s degree in Occupational Therapy or Physiotherapy 
•    Registration with the College of Occupational Therapist of BC (COTBC) or College of Physical Therapists of BC
How is the service provided?
The Occupational Therapist / Physiotherapist may:

•    Assess the impact of a student’s disability on school performance
•    Work in collaboration with members of the school based team who develop and implement the IEP to suggest goals and learning strategies
•    Interpret medical information and assessments to determine the educational implications
•    Recommend specialized equipment, technology, modifications, or adaptations to promote participation and the highest level of independence 
•    Train staff in the use of specialized equipment for lift and transfer techniques 
•    Work with teachers and support staff to provide programs that enhance skills in fine motor, self-care and sensory processing
•    Facilitate referrals to appropriate community and medical services
•    Assist with transition into kindergarten, through middle and secondary school and to adult services
•    Provide resources that provide guidance and/or strategies to address a current challenge or to work towards a student goal
•    Act as a school based contact for families’ private OT/PT
Services are consultative based, where the OT/PT provides recommendations and strategies for the school team and/or parents to implement.
OTs and PTs submit names and needs for Sunnyhill’s Outreach Seating Clinic that happens twice a year in Kelowna.