Student Services » School Psychology

School Psychology

Who qualifies for this service?
Students may qualify for this service if they:
  • have received various academic and/or behaviour interventions at school
  • have been assessed for academic achievement and/or screened for mental health issues within 6 months
  • have regular attendance in order to receive appropriate interventions
  • have been referred by the school-based team
Who provides the service?
Description of staff qualifications:
  • certification from the BC College of Teachers in most cases
  • a master’s degree in school/educational psychology or a related field with a focus on school psychology
  • is a BCASP member or registered psychologist specializing in school psychology (until April 30, 2024) and Licensed School Psychologist and member of the College of Psychologists of BC (after May 1, 2024)
How is the service provided?
School psychologists may:
  • assist with pre-referral interventions
  • be a member of the school-based team
  • collaborate with school-based and district personnel to gather classroom based data
  • design and/or implement instructional strategies
  • design and/or implement behaviour management interventions
  • consult with teachers, parents, students, and community agencies regarding the nature of student’s strength and needs, their educational implications, and ways to enhance learning and behavior
  • assist with pre-referral interventions
  • provide psycho-educational assessments for students referred by the school-based team
  • contribute to the design and evaluation of the Individualized Education Plan
  • provide in-service training in the area of assessment and/or intervention
  • assist in completing threat and risk assessments and follow up
  • be member of the School District Crisis Intervention Team
  • review all documentation for new and previously identified students requiring additional supports or special education designation
  • liaise with doctors/pediatricians/other community professionals
  • participate in district committees including the Behaviour Designation Review Committee
  • write rationales to support various special education designations