Student Services » Autism Supports

Autism Supports

SD67 employs a full time Inclusion Support Teacher who works collaboratively with school teams and families to provide strength-based programs and supports for students with autism.


Coordinator of ASD Services:  Roles

  • Consultation, collaboration, and observations of ASD and possible ASD students pre-K-12
  • Collaborative consultative supports and coaching for all staff, school-based teams, students, and parents regarding ASD and diverse needs
  • IEP planning and building supports
  • Parent supports and community connections (supports and ministerial)
  • Support for school teams with complex behaviour through conducting Functional Behaviour Analysis, developing Positive Behaviour Support Plans, and creation of Safety Plans
  • Interagency liaison for/with families and schools/ district
  • Advocacy and collaborative supports for school, staff, student and parents-making and supporting connections and understandings.
  • Coaching support for CEAs working with students with ASD diagnosis or queried as ASD- instructional planning, format, timing, transitions, tools, environmental supports
  • ASD professional learning/training opportunities for staff and families
  • Linking families with community and provincial service providers
  • Supports for families navigating IHCAN, ASD funding and MCFD, MCFD-CYSN ASD services.
  • Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope (P.A.T.H.) facilitation for transition planning elementary to middle, middle to secondary, secondary to the community.
  • Kindergarten transitions communication, observation, planning supports and supportive best practices for schools and families.
  • Diverse Learner Certificate ASD module instructor
  • ASD CEA team leader-coordinating services
  • POPARD District Partner
  • Non-violent Crisis Intervention training and supports in individualized safety plans, post incident supports and training, meetings/planning.
  • Interagency liaising with MCFD, CYSN, One Sky, School Districts, Private care, Community Living BC, Interior Health Child Assessment Network, Private BCBA/BI services/organizations.